Pupuni (good) Ngirramini (story/news) Newsletter
Pupuni Ngirramini is a quarterly newsletter produced for Tiwi people and friends of Tiwi People. Please subscribe here if you're interested.
Current Issue - Nov/Dec 2024
Previous Issues
Pupuni Ngirramini June/July 2024
- Seagrass surveys find unusual species
- Ranger update
- IPA committee – communications training
- IPA set to be dedicated
- Senate Estimates
- Full Tiwi Land Council Elections
- Tiwi artworks at NT museum
- Fort Dundas 200th anniversary
- New book – Tiwi Story
- Jilamara Arts make headlines in Australia and overseas
- Xavier Catholic College
- Tiwi Design new arts exhibition centre
- Ceremonial and totemic songs recorded
- Renewable energy for Wurrumiyanga
- Commemoration ceremony after tragic Osprey aircraft crash
- Biosecurity measures ramp up
- Economic boost – Sea Darwin Sea Tiwi
- Legal opinion – Section 19 agreements
- Staff update & Tiwi seasons puzzle
- Magpies win woman's Tiwi premiership
- Seagrass surveys find unusual species
- Ranger update
- IPA committee – communications training
- IPA set to be dedicated
- Senate Estimates
- Full Tiwi Land Council Elections
- Tiwi artworks at NT museum
- Fort Dundas 200th anniversary
- New book – Tiwi Story
- Jilamara Arts make headlines in Australia and overseas
- Xavier Catholic College
- Tiwi Design new arts exhibition centre
- Ceremonial and totemic songs recorded
- Renewable energy for Wurrumiyanga
- Commemoration ceremony after tragic Osprey aircraft crash
- Biosecurity measures ramp up
- Economic boost – Sea Darwin Sea Tiwi
- Legal opinion – Section 19 agreements
- Staff update & Tiwi seasons puzzle
- Magpies win woman's Tiwi premiership
- Message from the CEO
- Tiwi Islands Ghost net survey
- Tuwurrampila Cultural Heritage Forum
- Cultural Heritage Committee
- Tiwi Land Council Clan Group Meetings and Elections
- World Ranger Day
- Completion of IPA Plan
- Quarantine
- NAIDOC Celebrations
- Save the Church / TIRC
- The Voice / Trustee elections
- Tiwi Islands Training & Employment
- Legal opinion
- TLC Staff appointments
- Land Council is hiring
- Tiwi College
- Resources & Environment
- Economic Stimulus
- Tiwi Football
Pupuni Ngirramini June/July 2023
- Message from the Chair and CEO
- Barunga Land Council meetings
- Council Members
- Fire & Carbon project
- Bathurst Ward By-election / Renewable future
- Art and Music
- Legal opinion
- Tiwi Rangers / Member for Lingiari
- Staff
- Resources and Environment
- Waste Strategy / Tiwi Language Puzzle
- Turtuni / Bima Wear
- Fort Dundas Heritage Listing
- The Keeping Place
- Tiwi Football
- IPA on track
- Council members & Tiwi language puzzle
- Festival & Song Book
- Condolence & Santos decisions
- Condolences
- John Morris Collection
- Young Tiwi artists
- Tiwi Rangers
- Resources & Environment
- The Voice / Member for Arafura
- Grants & Enterprise
- Tiwi Land Council staff
- Grand Final
The Tiwi Issue 53 - Apr/Jun 2022
- Chairman's Message
- Registration Day
- TLC Grants Officer report
- AICD Governance Training
- Community News
- Fire Management Update
- Tiwi IPA on track!
- Diabetes management
- Cultural Wellbeing Model
- NT Port and Marine update
- Tiwi Partners kicking goals
- Tiwi College
The Tiwi Issue 52 - Dec/Jan 2021/22
- CEO's Message
- Control Coronavirus
- Chairman's Words
- Weed Management Update
- Tiwi Enterprises - caring for community
- Tiwi Forest update
- Mosquito surveillance
- Sea Country - IPA
- Tiwi Resources
The Tiwi Issue 51 - Sep/Oct 2021
- CEO's Message
- Wulirankuwu News
- Nova Peris Foundation
- Cultural Mapping
- TLC Message
- Forestry Project Launch
- IPA has a logo
- Tiwi Ranger
- Mosquito protection
- NT Port and Marine
- Menzies Pandora Study
The Tiwi Issue 50 - May/June 2021
- CEO's Message
- Chairman's Word
- 50th edition of THE TIWI news
- TLC at work
- TLC Message
- Caution - Mosquitoes
- Fact sheet: "Keeping our animals safe"
- Fire Ant eradication project
- Fire fighting training
- Tiwi chip shipment
- Ngarukuruwala journey
- Tiwi College
The Tiwi Issue 49 - Februrary/March 2021
- CEO's Message
- Chairman's Word
- Grand Final 2021 - SBS
- Fort Dundas - heritage
- Roads to Melville
- Sacred Sites - NT laws
- ARC Project update
- Nguiu Club
- NT Port and Marine
- Menzies update
- Mulakunya Aged Care
- MCPS update
- Tiwi College
- Dream wedding
The Tiwi Issue 48 - November/December 2020
- Chair's Christmas Message
- CEO Message
- Rotary Induction of CEO
- TLC at work
- TLC - Rotary project
- P. Puruntatameri remembered
- Home ownership
- Tiwi Islands Road Upgrade
- Tiwi Land & Sea Rangers
- Gamba Grass Response
- IPA Update
- Milikapiti School
- Tiwi College
- Learning about emergencies
- Largest Tiwi Art exhibition
- TLC work for community
The Tiwi Issue 47 - September/October 2020
- CEO's Message
- TLC Meetings - Aged Care
- Marine Ranger Vessel Launch
- SRC Meeting
- Tiwi Islands - IPA
- Tiwi Forestry Update
- Tiwi Tree Research
- Menzies - Hearing for Learning
The Tiwi Issue 46 - April/May 2020
- CEO's Message
- TLC Team Notes
- Our Thanks to Kate Hadden
- Mr. D.Guy - In Memoriam
- 50 Years Tiwi Grand Final
- Quarantine and Biosecurity
- CEO - Picka Creek Caution
- TLC Anthropologist
- NT Port and Marine
- Muluwurrampi Enterprises
- Hearing and Learning
- Tiwi College
- Covid-19 Gov. Support
The Tiwi Issue 45 - February/March 2020
- CEO's Message
- Congratulations Brandy
- Opening Welcome Centre
- Menzies Hearing Health
- Tiwi Resources News
- Tiwi Calendar 2020
- Mr. Tipungwuti - Farewell
- Mr. Tipungwuti - In Memoriam
- Tiwi College
- NT Port and Marine
- Tiwi Forests Training
- Xavier Graduates Story
- ABA Grant Funding Round
The Tiwi Issue 44 - December 2019/September 2020.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- CEO's Message
- Tiwi Forrest update
- Merry Christmas
- Pontoons 99% finished
- Community Safety Issue
- NT Port & Marine
- Tiwi Resources News
- Tiwi Enterprises update
- Nguiu Club Story
- Tiwi Land Ranger
- Tiwi College Graduation
The Tiwi Issue 43 - August 2019/September 2019.pdf
- CEO's Message
- TLC Exec in action
- Ferry jetty construction
- Fibre comes to Tiwi Islands
- Working with Menzies
- Karluwu yikwani
- Tiwi College
- Heide Smith's new blog with photos and stories
The Tiwi Issue 42 - June/July 2019.pdf
- CEO's Message
- Tiwi Islands Permit Fees
- Tiwi Enterprises - Visitor Centre at Wurrumiyanga
- Jack Long
- Eulogy
- NT Port and Marine
- Managing fire and weeds
- Farewell Vivian Kerinaiua
- Pirntubula Community Benefit Fund
- Forest trucks notice
The Tiwi Issue 41 - April/May 2019.pdf
- CEO's Message
- Minister's visit
- Pontoon and Visitor Centre
- Fire and Ants
- Traveling safe on roads
- Tiwi Forest harvest area
- Tiwi Forest Public Notice
- Nguiiu Club update
- NT Port and Marine
- Solar Farm on Bathurst
- Tiwi College
- Tiwi Fire season
- Burning Notice
The Tiwi Issue 40 - February/March 2019.pdf
- CEO's Message
- Pas Chairman - mourning
- Tiwi Resources news
- Tiwi Forestry update
- Rangers NAPCAN training
- Planning for sustainable land use on the Tiwi Islands
- SRC meeting
- Greetings from Tiwi College
- NT Port and Maqrine
- Funeral info from the CEO
- 40th edition of The Tiwi
The Tiwi Issue 39 - December 2018/January 2019.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Dealing with Tiwi invaders
- Research into bush medicine
- Ranger skills development
- St John 'Defibrillation Machine Project'
- Port Melville
- Tiwi College
- ABA Grant Funding Round
The Tiwi Issue 38 - August/September 2018.pdf
- CEO's Message
- Contact Registrar
- EMC's Notes
- New appointment to ABA
- New TLC website
- Early burning pays off for Tiwi Ranger Program
- Rangers support science
- CRC NA visit Tiwi Islands
- Wurrumiyanga Airport
- NT Port & Marine
- Safety warning - Truck size
- Jilamara - Ngini Palini
- Tiwi College - 10th anniversary
The Tiwi Issue 37 - June/July 2018.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC Notes
- New Port Supervisor 1st Tiwi Fisheries Inspector
- Finally - The winning goal
- Tiwi Rangers & It's Fire Time
- Kim Puruntatameri in Alice
- Farewell Robyn Trethowan
- ABC "Back Roads"
- Awana Mantawi Renae
- ABA Grant Funding Round 11
The Tiwi Issue 36 - April/May 2018
- Chairman’s Words
- EMC Notes
- The Vernon Islands
- 12th Tiwi SRC Meeting
- Tiwi Ranger work with turtle researchers
- Place and Partnership Conference
- RISE Program – opportunity for Tiwi students
- The Hayden Reynolds Tiwi College Program
The Tiwi Issue 35 - February/March 2018.pdf
- Chairman's Election 2018
- Closing the Gap Campaign
- Deputy CEO Message
- Swedish Ambassador visit
- Training at Tiwi Enterprises
- XCC Graduates
- Nguiu Garage new service
- NT Gambling Project
- 10 Years Tiwi College
The Tiwi Issue 34 - December 2017/January 2018.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC Notes
- Tiwi Enterprises update
- Ranger Training
- Midway meets the TPC
- Tiwi College
- Sealink
The Tiwi Issue 33 - October/November 2017.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Farewell Larry Tessmann
- Barnaby Joyce's visit
- EMC Notes
- Better health and longer lives
- 10th SRC meeting
- Tiwi Contractors update
- Nguiu Club back on track
- Job vacancies
- NT Alcohol Policies
- Climate Change workshop
- Electricity Grid update
- Tiwi Coastal License update
- Don't attract crocodiles
- Tiwi College
- Come to Darwin for the footy
The Tiwi Issue 32 - August/September 2017.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC Notes
- Sister Dorothy Fuller
- Oyster trail going strong
- Tiwi Islands grid connect
- More work on cats
- Kimberly Ranger Forum
- Apprentices Tiwi College
- Tiwi College term 3
- Lightning Carnival 2017
The Tiwi Issue 31 - June/July 2017.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC Notes
- Sister Dorothy Fuller
- Oyster trail going strong
- Tiwi Islands grid connect
- Grid connect map
- More work on cats
- Kimberly Ranger Forum
- Apprentices Tiwi College
- Tiwi College term 3
- Lightning Carnival 2017
The Tiwi Issue 30 - April/May 2017.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC Notes
- Banana Freckle update
- Melville Island Mammal declines fought with fire
- Tiwi Enterprises update
- Mantiyupwi Family update
- Tiwi Contractors Pty. Ltd.
- Climate Change Workshop
- Tiwi College - Introducing the new Principal
- TIFL Grand Final
The Tiwi Issue 29 - February/March 2017.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- TLC Organisational Structure
- Governor General Visits the Tiwi Islands
- Our Sister Anne Gardiner AM Senior Australian of 2017
- Executive Management Committee, EMC's notes
- TIFL Season 2016-17
- Farewell Jodie
- Nguiu Club Newsletter
- Tiwi College - Starting he Year
- Tiwi Bombers Youth Girls
- Xavier Graduates
The Tiwi Issue 28 - November/December 2016.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC's Notes
- Farewell to Barbie and Allen
- Tiwi Plants and Animals
- Tiwi Seasons
- Tiwi Land Council - Team Building Workshop
- Tiwi Marine Ranger DVD
- Martin Clunes on the Tiwi Islands
- Tiwi College - Hayden-Reynolds Garden Family Day
- A Prosperous 2017
The Tiwi Issue 27 - August/September 2016.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC's Notes
- Signing of the Woodchip Sales Contract
- Tiwi Science Reference Committee
- Tiwi Fire Roadshow
- The Tiwi Enterprise Story
- End of an Era at TITEB
- News from Munupi Family Trust
- Ampiliwayakina - In Memoriam
- Tiwi College at Essendon
- Tiwi Bus Service - Timetable
The Tiwi Issue 26 - June/July 2016 .pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Mr Kalippa OAM - In Memorium
- Mr Kalippa OAM - 1934-2016
- Matthius Ulungura statue unveiled
- Nguiu Club - end of administration
- Letter from Sergeant Renae McGarvie
- NT Fisheries Agreement Consultation
- Possible Cane Toad sighting at Wurrumiyanga
- TPC briefing and update
- Banana Freckle update
- Tiwi School Fire Week 2016
- Launch of the Tuparipiya Bus Service
The Tiwi Issue 25 - April/May 2016.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- 2016 Kulama Time
- EMC's Notes & Quiz
- Science Reference Committee
- French cruise ship visits the Tiwi
- Jilamara makes world news
- Patakijiyali Museum
- Land Rangers recognised
- Goose Creek - message from TOs
- CSIRO News
- Xavier Cadets
- Children Safety
- Tiwi College Report - Our Story
- Breast Screen Notice
- Tiwi Grand Final
The Tiwi Issue 24 - February/March 2016.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Port Melville - 2nd Shipment
- EMC's Notes
- Keep to the facts
- Dolphin and Dugong aerial surveys
- Act of Tiwi solidarity
- Tiwi Rock Oyster project
- Banana Freckle update
- Tiwi carbon workshop
- Quiz
- Message from Member for Arafura
- Tiwi College Report
- Job Ad
- Tiwi Grand Final
The Tiwi Issue 23 - December 2015/January 2016.pdf
- Chaiman's Words
- Celebrating our first 'chip-ship'
- 1st Woodchip Shipment Briefing
- EMC's Notes
- Message from the NT Government
- Tiwi Enterprises News
- CSIRO work experience for Tiwi College student
- Message from Member for Arafura
- Tiwi College - 2015 best year
- Tiwi Buisness Centre Recognised
The Tiwi Issue 22 - October/November 2015.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Port Melville Mission Statement
- EMC's Notes
- Port Melville News
- Plantations Environmental Audit
- Port Environmental Approvals
- Mantiyupwi News
- Milikapiti Farn and Nursery
- Quiz
- New look for Radio Room
- Message from Member for Arafura
- Northern Glider Reasearch
- Science Week
- Tiwi Protecting Agriculture
- Menzies' Birth Cohort Study
- Job Vacancy Notice
The Tiwi Issue 21 - August/Septembet 2015.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Executive Management Committee
- EMC's Notes
- Tiwi Science Reference Committee meets at Yapilika
- Feral Cats
- Fire Upgade
- Port Melville News
- Tiwi Rangers Shine on Solar
- Indigenous Literacy Foundation
- Tiwi Bus Service
The Tiwi Issue 20 - June/July 2015.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- UN Environment Award
- EMC Notes
- Tiwi Forests - harvest begins
- Port Melville update
- Unique environmental values
- Myrtle Rust disease found
- Mantiyupwi progresses
- Tiwi Fire Week 2015
- Poster Competition for Fire Week
- Tiwi Islands Adventures
- Tiwi College term 3
- Tiwi Knowledge Calendars
The Tiwi Issue 19 - April/May 2015.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Tiwi Forests - History made
- Tiwi Resources and Tiwi Forests
- EMC Notes
- NT Cheif Minister visit port
- Port Melville update
- It;s nearly fire time!
- Quiz
- Tiwi SRC meets in Melbourne
- Member's Message
- Tiwi College - Respect
- Senior Boys Art
The Tiwi Issue 18 - February/March 2015.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC Notes
- Mantiyupwi gives back
- Tiwi Enterprises - Colin returns
- New Oyster trail
- Barge Landing project progress
- Quiz
- Forestry and Port Melville
- Development at Port
- Message from Member for Arafura
- Xavier College
- Find the Word
- Banana Freckle update
- Tiwi Ferry - new schedule and fares
The Tiwi Issue 17 - December 2014/January 2015.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Executive Managers' Notes
- Quiz
- Forestry Harvest nearly there
- Tiwi Science Reference Committee
- Historic Fisheries Agreement
- Development at Port Melville
- Tiwi Enterprises' successful 2014
- It's Weed Time
- XCCW Graduation
- Work Experience at CSIRO
- Chief Minister's Award
- Remote Health Award
- Murrupurtiyanuwu goes to Town
- Tiwi Bombers
- Tiwi Ashes at Tiwi College
- Merry Christman & Happy New Year 2015
The Tiwi Issue 28 - November/December 2016.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- EMC's Notes
- Farewell to Barbie and Allen
- Tiwi Plants and Animals
- Tiwi Seasons
- Tiwi Land Council - Team Building Workshop
- Tiwi Marine Ranger DVD
- Martin Clunes on the Tiwi Islands
- Tiwi College - Hayden-Reynolds Garden Family Day
- A Prosperous 2017
The Tiwi Issue 15 - August/September 2014.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Infrastructure Conference
- Manager's Notice
- Tiwi Enterprises a Thriving Business
- Small Mammal and Fire Regimes
- Islanders need boats and skills
- Creating own business
- Tiwi College - The HR-Project
- Tiwi Bombers - Support
- Quiz
- Croc eats croc on Melville
- 20th Wedding Anniversary
- Find the Word
The Tiwi Issue 14 - June/July 2014.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Governance Training
- Manager's Notes
- Turtle Research
- Banana freckle update
- Hooking into business
- NTG Leasing Proposal Process
- Tiwi College - Learning the craft
- Rioli to Coach Tiwi Bombers
- Quiz
- Fly Tiwi Timetable
- Dates, Times and Locations
The Tiwi Issue 13 - Apri/lMay 2014.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Port Melville Operations Agreement
- Wurrumiyanga Township Lease
- 2007 - 2014 Review
- Munupi Landowners MOU
- Manager's Notes
- Tiwi College - Respect
- New Job Opportunities
- Top End Marine Supply Base
- Interactive Historic Records
- Quiz
- Tiwi Bombers
- Fly Tiwi Timetable
- Tiwi Ferry - New Timetable
The Tiwi Issue 12 - February/March 2014.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Port Melville Port Corp Update
- TPC and Mitsui sign MOU
- History of Tiwi Forests
- Manager's Notes
- Quiz
- Banana freckle disease
- Leasing Land - Update
- Mining at Lethbridge closure
- Tiwi College - Respect
- Member's Message
- Tiwi Chef
- Heart Foundation
- Tiwi Bombers
The Tiwi Issue 11 - December 2013/January 2014.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- TIA wins major Tourism Award
- Manager's Notes
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Member's Message
- Tiwi Enterprises
- Feral cats and native wildlife
- First Year 12 graduates on Tiwi
- Quiz
- CSIRO teach Tiwi College students
- Compter for every child at MCPS
- Tiwi Super Trees
- Find the Word
- Ferry Christmas Timetable
The Tiwi Issue 10 - October/November 2013.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Mr. Kerinaiua - In Memoriam
- Tiwi Forests - Red Goshawk
- TPC - Environmental Audit
- Working Together TIA + Mili-Farm
- Quiz
- Manager's Notes
- Built a Wharf - Port Melville
- Tiwi Bombers - Membership
- NTFL Premier League Draw
- Member's Message
- Tiwi College
- Tiwi Ashes 2013
- Tiwi Islands Ferry - Schedule
The Tiwi Issue 9 - August/September 2013.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Port Melville makes progress
- Joyful Moments
- Training Ship
- Forestry Harvest
- Managers' Notes
- Quiz
- Port Melville Quarantine
- TITEB New Job Program
- Member's Message
- TLC Operations Centre at Picka
- Pedro in America
- Tiwi Bombers
- Find a Word
The Tiwi Issue 8 - June/July 2013.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Jobs at Tiwi Islands Adventures
- Manager's Notes
- Diamond Wedding Jubilee
- Feral Cats
- 2013 Turtle Research Results
- Quiz
- Tiwi College
- Think about your Burning
- Member's Message
- Healthly
- Fort Dundas
- Tiwi Bombers
- Find the Word
The Tiwi Issue 7 - April/May 2013.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Bathurst Island Lodge Open
- Manager's Notes
- Quiz
- Fire Ants - Eradication Success
- Tiwi College - Peaceful Picka
- Member's Message
- Opening or Piliyamanyirra Shop
- Tiwi Islands Grand Final
- Tiwi Bombers
- Tapalinga Award Winners
- NT Government Meetings
- Celebrating Piliyamanyirra
The Tiwi Issue 6 - February/March 2013.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Corporate Governance Training
- Will for the Tiwi
- Manager's Notes
- New Tiwi Art Book
- Going Down
- Quiz
- Message from Member of Arafura
- Tiwi Bombers
- Tiwi College "Respect" Term 1
The Tiwi Issue 5 - December 2012/January 2013.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- MCPS AQward
- Good to know
- Buffalo Herd Management
- Manager's Notes
- TIA Bathurst Island Lodge
- Nursery at Tiwi Plantations
- Message from Member of Arafura
- Piliyamanyirra Shopping Centrre
- Five years Mantiyupwi Pty. Ltd.
- Wulirankuwu Pty. Ltd.
- Tiwi Corporate meet NT Ministers
- Quiz
- Youth Drop in Centre opening
- Tiwi Bombers
- Tiwi Ashes 2012
- Learning Pottery the Tiwi Way
- Munupi Art Christmas Sale
The Tiwi Issue 4 - October/November 2012.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Tiwi Resources
- Manager's Notes
- Whale in Shark Bay
- Timothy Cook's Telstra
- Maralampuwi's Arafura win
- Purrapimayi Shopping Centre
- Quiz
- Alberta Puruntatameri retired
- Search & Rescue Exercise
- Tiwi Forestry Environmental Audit
- Forestry Clearing at Kilu-Impini
- Stray Cane Toad
- Liquor Act
- Old Sawmill
- Tiwi College and Matilda
- Tiwi College's partnership with Scotch College
- The Tiwi Ashes 2012
- Funeral and Ceremony Money
- Tiwi Bombers New Chairman
- Tiwi Magic brings Jobe the Brownlow
The Tiwi Issue 3 - August/September 2012.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- TIA Bathurst Island Lodge
- Manager's Notes
- Rubbish and Respect
- Munupi Art
- Tiwi Fire Week
- Burnt Plantations
- Tiwi Forests
- Traditional Owners burn their country for carbon
- Red Goshawk
- Quiz
- Welcome Students
- Mantiyupwi Family Trust
- Old Canoe arrives
- Tiwi Bombers
- Ted Egan Connection
The Tiwi Issue 2 - June/July 2012.pdf
- Chairman's Words
- Matilda Sand Mining
- Manager's Notes
- Farewell
- Tiwi Forests
- Tiwi Super Tree
- Tiwi College Gardens
- Quiz
- Tiwi Enterprises = Good Services
- Science gives good information
- Turtle Research
- Supreme Tiwi Footballers
- No Fires
The Tiwi Issue 1 - April 2012.pdf
- Tiwi Rangers - Burnig for Carbon
- Junior Rangers
- Xavier College / Tiwi College Fete
- Governor General Visit
- Port Melville / Member for Arafura
- Senate Estimates
- Remote Housing Funding Agreement
- TLC Chair & Deputy Chair Elections
- Ngaruwanajirri / Military Exercise
- Environment / Tiwi Language Puzzle
- Barunga Festival
- Jilamara Arts / Bima Wear
- Tiwi Land Council Economic Stimulus Package
- Condolence messages – Mr John Sydney Hicks / Mr T Wurramarrba AO
- Tiwi Football