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Audit and Risk Committee

Dr. David Richie - Chair

David has worked in the Northern Territory since 1981. David's academic background is anthropology and, in that capacity, he worked for the Sacred Sites Authority (1981-1989) and NLC on land claims (1980 and 1983) and also as Chair of the NLC Wagait Traditional Owner's Dispute Committee (1993-1995). For more than 20 years he held the position of chief executive: most recently, the Department of Lands and Planning and Northern Territory Land Development Corporation (2009-2012). David was also the first Chief executive of the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (1990-2003). He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and served on the Ninti One Ltd Audit and Risk Management Committee (2010-2020). He currently Chairs the NT Planning Commission.

Roland Chin

Roland Chin is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, a Fellow of CPA Australia, and a Chartered Tax Adviser of the Taxation Institute of Australia. He joined the KPMG Darwin office in 1981 as a graduate and was admitted as a partner in 1995.  He has experience in insolvency, and audit and provided tax specialist advice to clients including government, not-for-profit and international corporations for over 40 years. Roland retired from KPMG in 2018 and has continued to practice as a tax agent and sits on several local audit committees and Boards. He was appointed to the Tiwi Land Council Independent Audit Committee in 2022.

Stefanie Holland

Stefanie is a young and established solicitor and brings her experience in institutional abuse, public sector litigation and legal research to the Committee. Stefanie's background includes roles as  solicitor with Shine Lawyers, Clayton Utz and as associate to two Supreme Court judges in the Northern Territory and in the ACT.  She volunteered with the Legal Aid ACT and the ANU College of Law Youth and Justice Research Group. Stefanie was appointed to the Tiwi Land Council's Independent Audit Committee in 2023 and is currently a  Senior Lawyer with the Northern Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA).